
Information about the school
Year of Establishment : 2002
Medium of Instruction : English
Area of School : 16 Bighas and 7 Biswas
Director : S. Barjinder Singh
S. Jagga Singh : 1-3-2003 to 12.7.2004
S. Jaswant Singh Sohi : 13.7.2004 to 28.4.2006
S. Baghel Singh Batth : 14.8.2006 to 31.3.2008
Mr. Charanjeet Sharma : 15.4.2008 to 31.3.2009
Mr. Major Singh Bath : 3.9.2009 to 30.9.2010
S. Baghel Singh Batth : 18.11.2010 to 31.05.2016
Harkawal Jeet Kaur : 01.08.2016 onwards
Fleet of Buses : 16
Classrooms : 44
Computer Lab : 01
Playgrounds : 02
Administrative Rooms : 06
Smart Class Rooms : 02
Activity Room : 01
Laboratories : 03
Sports Room : 01
Library : 01
Kitchen : 01